the same manner. Thus boys whose conception of woman becomes attached to her sexual aspects and who have a quota of femininity within them sufficiently large that it requires expression, will likely express it on a sexual level. That is, they will attempt to perform, within the limits of anatomical possibilities, after the manner of a woman in sex relations with a man--such a person becomes a homosexual.


The individual who thinks of women primarily on her psychological level is likely to wish to express his femininity in the same way. He will say that he IS a woman in a male body, that he thinks as a woman feels as a woman and cannot therefore function in a satisfactorily masculine way in life. He seeks to make his plysical body conform to his psychological self and so desires to have emasculatory surgery performed to bring about this harmony. This is the transsexual. This is not to say that other types not properly classifiable as real transsexuals have not sought and often obtained surgical intervention. Such people often awaken to the later realization that they have achieved a "solution" all right but that it was the solution to a problem they did not have. The true transsexual, however, will have achieved by such surgery a degree of harmony between the physical and psychological aspects of his total self and will feel thereby more fit to deal with life.

Thirdly, is the boy who relates his femininity to the social aspect of womanhood--to the woman he sees on the streets, in stores, at parties, etc. He sees her as a person who represents everything he is not, who while permitted to do, to be, and to wear almost everything that is permitted to him, still has her own world apart, a world he is NOT permitted to share. It is a world of silk and satin, of lace and perfume, of grace, beauty and adornment and, ideally, of virtue. Admittedly, he sees in it a glorified, idealized and exaggerated way, but it is real to him. This world is the one in which his type of femininity seeks expression. He discovers this the first time he puts on some articles of feminine clothing wither out of curiosity, as a prank, part of some stage production, or on a dare. Such a boy becomes in due time,

a transvestite, and his greatest delight is to take
